============= lesana-search ============= SYNOPSIS ======== lesana search [--help] [--collection COLLECTION] [--template TEMPLATE] \ [--offset OFFSET] [--pagesize PAGESIZE] [--all] \ [--expand-query-template] [--sort FIELD1 [--sort FIELD2 ...]] \ [query [query ...]] DESCRIPTION =========== Lesana search allows one to make searches in the collection and render the results. The section :doc:`/user/search` in the full documentation describes the query syntax in more detail; it is available online at https://lesana.trueelena.org/user/search.html or it may be installed on your system (e.g. in Debian and derivatives it will be at ``/usr/share/doc/lesana/html/user/search.html``). By default entries are printed according to the ``entry_label`` from the ``settings.yaml`` file, but they can be rendered according to a jinja2 template. If no query is specified, it will default to ``'*'``, i.e. search all entries: thus ``lesana search --all`` will print all entries, while just ``lesana search`` will print the first 12 entries, possibly according to the relevant sorting options. OPTIONS ======= -h, --help Prints an help message and exits. --collection COLLECTION, -c COLLECTION The collection to work on. Default is ``.`` --template TEMPLATE, -t TEMPLATE Template to use when displaying results --offset OFFSET . --pagesize PAGESIZE . --all Return all available results --sort Sort the results by a sortable field. This option can be added multiple times; prefix the name of the field with ``-`` to reverse the results (e.g. ``--sort='-date'``). --expand-query-template Render search_aliases in the query as a jinja2 template