Source code for lesana.command

import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys

import hazwaz

    import argcomplete
except ImportError:
    argcomplete = None  # type: ignore

from . import Collection, Entry, TemplatingError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Command(hazwaz.Command): def __init__(self, collection_class=Collection, entry_class=Entry): super().__init__() self.collection_class = collection_class self.entry_class = entry_class
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): # compatibility with the old way to add arguments: for new # commands override add_arguments directly for arg in getattr(self, "arguments", []): parser.add_argument(*arg[0], **arg[1])
[docs]class New(Command, hazwaz.mixins.ExternalEditorMixin): """ Create a new entry """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)'), ), ( ['--no-git'], dict( help="Don't add the new entry to git", action="store_false", dest='git', ), ), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) new_entry = self.entry_class(collection) collection.save_entries([new_entry]) filepath = os.path.join(collection.itemdir, new_entry.fname) if self.edit_file_in_external_editor(filepath): collection.update_cache([filepath]) if self.args.git: collection.git_add_files([filepath]) saved_entry = collection.entry_from_eid(new_entry.eid) print(saved_entry)
[docs]class Edit(Command, hazwaz.mixins.ExternalEditorMixin): """ Edit a lesana entry """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)'), ), ( ['--no-git'], dict( help="Don't add the new entry to git", action="store_false", dest='git', ), ), (['eid'], dict(help='eid of an entry to edit',)), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) entries = collection.entries_from_short_eid(self.args.eid) if len(entries) > 1: return "{} is not an unique eid".format(self.args.eid) if not entries: return "Could not find an entry with eid starting with: {}".format( self.args.eid ) entry = entries[0] # update the entry before editing it collection.save_entries([entry]) # and then edit the updated file filepath = os.path.join(collection.itemdir, entry.fname) if self.edit_file_in_external_editor(filepath): collection.update_cache([filepath]) if self.args.git: collection.git_add_files([filepath]) saved_entry = collection.entry_from_eid(entry.eid) print(saved_entry)
[docs]class Show(Command): """ Show a lesana entry """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)'), ), ( ['--template', '-t'], dict(help='Use the specified template to display results.',), ), (['eid'], dict(help='eid of an entry to edit',)), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) entries = collection.entries_from_short_eid(self.args.eid) if len(entries) > 1: return "{} is not an unique eid".format(self.args.eid) if not entries: return "Could not find an entry with eid starting with: {}".format( self.args.eid ) entry = entries[0] if self.args.template: try: print(entry.render(self.args.template)) except TemplatingError as e: logger.error("{}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) else: print(entry.yaml_data)
[docs]class Index(Command): """ Index entries in a lesana collection """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)'), ), ( ['--reset'], dict( action='store_true', help='Delete the existing index and reindex from scratch.', ), ), ( ['files'], dict( help='List of files to index (default: everything)', default=None, nargs='*', ), ), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) if self.args.files: files = (os.path.basename(f) for f in self.args.files) else: files = None indexed = collection.update_cache( fnames=files, reset=self.args.reset ) print("Found and indexed {} entries".format(indexed))
[docs]class GetValues(Command): """ List all values for one field, with entry counts. """ name = "get-values" arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], { 'help': 'The collection to work on (default .)' }, ), ( ['--field', '-f'], { 'help': 'Name of the field', 'required': True, }, ), ( ['--template', '-t'], { 'help': 'Template to use when displaying results', }, ), ( ['query'], { 'help': 'Xapian query to limit the count search " \ + "in the collection', 'nargs': '*', 'default': '*' }, ), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) counts = collection.get_field_values( self.args.field, ' '.join(self.args.query) ) if self.args.template: try: template = collection.get_template(self.args.template) print(template.render(counts=counts)) except TemplatingError as e: logger.error("{}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) else: for v in counts: print("{value}: {count}".format( value=v['value'], count=v['frequency'] ))
[docs]class Export(Command): """ Export entries to a different collection """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)'), ), ( ['--query', '-q'], dict(help='Xapian query to search in the collection',), ), (['destination'], dict(help='The collection to export entries to')), (['template'], dict(help='Template to convert entries',)), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) destination = self.collection_class(self.args.destination) if not self.args.query: results = collection.get_all_documents() else: collection.start_search(' '.join(self.args.query)) results = collection.get_all_search_results() for entry in results: data = { "entry": entry } data.update( try: destination.entry_from_rendered_template( self.args.template, data ) except TemplatingError as e: logger.error("Error converting entry: {}".format(entry)) logger.error("{}".format(e)) sys.exit(1)
[docs]class Init(Command, hazwaz.mixins.ExternalEditorMixin): """ Initialize a lesana collection """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The directory to work on (default .)', default='.'), ), ( ['--no-git'], dict( help='Skip setting up git in this directory', action="store_false", dest='git', ), ), ]
[docs] def main(self): self.collection_class.init( self.args.collection, git_enabled=self.args.git, edit_file=self.edit_file_in_external_editor, )
[docs]class Remove(Command): """ Remove an entry from a collection """ name = "rm" arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)',), ), (['entries'], dict(help='List of entries to remove', nargs='+',)), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) collection.remove_entries(eids=self.args.entries)
[docs]class Update(Command): """ Update a field in multiple entries """ arguments = [ ( ['--collection', '-c'], dict(help='The collection to work on (default .)',), ), (['--field', '-f'], dict(help='The field to change',)), (['--value', '-t'], dict(help='The value to set',)), ( ['query'], dict(help='Xapian query to search in the collection', nargs='+'), ), ]
[docs] def main(self): collection = self.collection_class(self.args.collection) collection.update_field( ' '.join(self.args.query), field=self.args.field, value=self.args.value, )
[docs]class Lesana(hazwaz.MainCommand): """ Manage collections """ commands = ( New(), Edit(), Show(), Index(), Search(), GetValues(), Update(), Export(), Init(), Remove(), )
[docs]def main(): Lesana().run()